A Resource Guide for Students, Educators, and Community Advocates

The Tennessee Coalition for Truth in Our Classrooms is a group of students, education advocates and community organization leaders who believe in promoting the teaching of truthful history in our schools, and honoring and valuing the diversity of students, staff, and institutions.
Our coalition believes a school must be an inclusive, safe, and nurturing environment so that children can learn to address some of the world’s most complex issues. To do so, schools must teach a diverse and challenging curriculum, and students need to engage with materials that reflect the rich history of all students and our world. Schools have a responsibility to provide students with thorough, truthful, and fact-based history as a means of addressing misinformation and avoiding mistakes of the past.
Our coalition has been tracking the dangerous anti-truth, censorship bills, news, and ongoing conversations evolving since the passage of Public Chapter 493 in 2021. The development of false narratives and attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts are causing disruptions in our schools, hindering students’ learning and negatively impacting teachers’ mental and social-emotional well-being as they are threatened with punitive actions.
To support our students, teachers, and community advocates with understanding and navigating the complexities of how the anti-truth and censorship movement is impacting Tennessee, we have created a hub of resources. Our hope is to spread awareness on this issue, protect full and honest instruction in our classrooms, and empower our students and teachers with factual information, helpful toolkits, and tangible guides to take action.
Coalition Partners